This is a Predynastic Fayum Sickle Blade, 4900–3100 B.C. A carefully worked bifacial blue/grey flint sickle blade used to reap a variety of crops and wild grasses from Egypt, Fayum, along the road between the Fayum and the Giza pyramids. There are no alterations, restorations or modern re-chipping. Provenance: ex- German collection (Hamburg). The artefact is in fine condition and measures 36mm x 23mm.

Ancient Egyptians used sickles made from flint and wood to reap grain. Pieces of flint were shaped to fit into a wooden haft along with a number of other such inserts, and secured with an adhesive. The flint pieces provided a sharp edge to cut the grain stalks.

Price: £45.00

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Predynastic Bifacial Sickle Insert. NP Collectables
E416 Predynastic Bifacial Sickle Insert
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