RC244 Helena - Securitas AE Follis
RM686 Roman Imperial Military Ring
NE736 Neolithic Flint Arrowhead
E529 Ancient Egyptian Glazed Shabti
NE735 Neolithic Flint Axe
NE732 Neolithic Stone Axe
DSA41 Polished Danish Neolithic Hand-axe
SA437 Viking Axe
RM683 Ancient Roman Terracotta Lidded Chalice
RM680 Roman Terracotta Ointment Pot
E530 Egyptian Mummy Bracelet Bead String
E529 Egyptian Mummy Necklace Bead String
NE730 Neolithic Flint Arrowhead
NE729 Neolithic Flint Arrowhead
NE728 Neolithic Flint Arrowhead
NE725 Neolithic Flint Arrowhead
NE726 Neolithic Flint Arrowhead
GA411 Ancient Greek Lekythos
E527 Ancient Egyptian Servant Ushabti
E525 Ancient Egyptian Ushabti
NE723 Neolithic Flint Arrowhead
E524 Egyptian Mummy Necklace Bead String
E523 Ancient Egyptian Ushabti
NE721 Neolithic Flint Arrowhead
MO221 Mousterian (Neanderthal) Point/Awl
LP033 British Palaeolithic Flint Scraper/Knife
LP031 British Palaeolithic Flint Proto Cleaver
E522 Ancient Egyptian Alabaster Vase
BY337 Byzantine Silver Gilt Reliquary Cross
SA436 Early Anglo-Saxon Lidded Pot
RM678 Roman Grey Ware Dish
E521 Ancient Egyptian Alabaster Vase
A447 Mesopotamian Limestone Goddess / Fertility Idol
E520 Ancient Egyptian Alabaster Vase
AC137 Acheulian Flint Knife
MF212 Meyeria Lobster Fossil
MO214 Mousterian (Neanderthal) Levallois Point
MO212 Mousterian (Neanderthal) Knife
AC135 Acheulian Flint Spearhead
AC134 Acheulian Hand Axe
GA410 Ancient Greek Terracotta Head of a Woman
GA409 Ancient Greek Clay Head
E519 Ancient Egyptian Alabaster Vase
E518 Egyptian Glazed Ushabti
ME738 Medieval Silver Cruciform Ring
RE36 Tudor Tool Group
NE717 Neolithic Flint Arrowhead
SA429 Anglo-Saxon Ipswich Ware Shards
SA428 Anglo-Saxon Artefact Group
A445 Indus Valley Ceramic Bowl
TA285 Senufo Wooden Tribal Mask
D383 Fossil African T-rex Tooth
NE714 Neolithic Flint Arrowhead
GA406 Ancient Greek Silver Finger Ring
E518 Ancient Egyptian Ushabti
BY337 Byzantine Decorated Cross
RM672 Romano British Vine Pruning Hook
PC297 Pre-Columbian Mezcala Green-Stone Figurine
SA423 Viking Agricultural Sickle
D382 Triassic Barasaurs Reptiles Skeletons
A443 Indus Valley Ceramic Bowl
SA420 Anglo-Saxon Eating Knife
ME734 Medieval Iron Crescent-Shaped Axehead
RM671 Ancient Roman Zeus Fibula
RM670 Roman Pedestal Dish
RM668 Roman Terracotta Hunting Dog Head
ME372 Medieval Crafting Knife
ME369 Medieval Five Band Ring
RM664 Roman Silver Cameo Ring
SA406 Anglo-Saxon Plate Buckle
AA369 Chinese Twin Handle Censer
RF394 Ichthyosaur Paddle
RM659 Ancient Roman Pale Green Glass Bottle
RM658 Ancient Roman Pale Green Glass Jar
E517 Egyptian Mummy Necklace Bead String
E516 Ancient Egyptian Servant Ushabti
RM655 Ancient Roman Silver Finger Ring
E512 Ancient Egyptian Jug
SA405 Anglo-Saxon Spindle Whorls
E507 Ancient Egyptian Ushabti
RM647 Ancient Roman Fibula Kräftig Profilierte Brooch
E501 Ancient Egyptian Ushabti
A435 Ancient Persian Decorated Vase
A427 Ancient Persian Bronze Dagger
RM637 Roman Bronze Harness Piece
AA362 Thai Stone Buddha Head
SA404 Anglo-Saxon Spindle Whorl
SA403 Anglo-Saxon Buckles
RM634 Roman Military Buckles
BY334 Byzantine Composite Archer's Belt Mounts
A418 Ancient Persian Decorated Vase
RM627 Roman Bronze Military Buckles
A415 Parthian Socketted Arrowhead
GA297 Scythian Socketted Arrowhead
RM619 Roman Bronze Hairpin
RM621 Roman Pottery Perfume Flask
RM614 Roman Medical Implements
RM612 Roman Bronze Stud Boss
IF95 Insects in Amber
SA395 Anglo-Saxon Strap Ends
NE712 Neolithic Flint Projectile Points
E491 Pre-Dynastic Naqada Egyptian Flint Arrowhead
PF59 Fossil Leaves
PF58 Fossil Leaves
AC129 Acheulian Cleaver Handaxe
SA383 Anglo-Saxon Silver Hair Ring
PF57 Fossil Leaves
RM607 Ancient Roman Brooch Group
RM603 Ancient Roman Spindle Whorls
IF94 Fossil Fly
RM602 Ancient Etruscan Earthenware Kylix
FMB99 Fossil Dolphin Vertebra
GA269 Byzantium Thrace, AR Hemidrachm
FMB97 Fossil Bird Leg Bone
PF54 Fossil Leaf
PF53 Fossil Leaf
IF93 Fossil Fly
IF92 Fossil Fly
A411 Syro-Hittie Terracotta Ox Cart and Figures
A410 Syro-Hittie Terracotta Bull Figure
TA269 West African Dan Mask
RM596 Ancient Roman Medical Tools
SA370 Anglo Saxon Strap End
PC295 Pre-Columbian Moche Redware Monkey
A2424 Islamic Blue Glazed Faience Pourer
D379 Mosasaur Jaw Section
IF91 Insects in Amber
RM588 Punic Pottery Jug
RM587 Ancient Roman Pottery Jug
RC245 P Clodius M f - Apollo AR Denarius
RC244 L Marcius Philippus Ancus Marcius AR Denarius
TA254 Akan (Ashanti) Gold Weight
PC294 Pre-Columbian Jalisco Earthenware Vessel
A2417 Ottoman Dagger and Sheath
A2416 Iznik Persian Pedestal Vase
FMB94 Fossil Cave Bear Rib Bone
FMB93 Ice Age Fossil Wolf Rib Bone
MF193 Megalodon Shark Tooth
IF90 Fossil Insect Moss Bug
FMB90 Fossil Cave Bear Rib Bone
A400 Luristan Bronze Arrowhead
A399 Elamite Bronze Arrowhead
RM576 Roman Twisted Bracelet with Animal Heads
RM577 Roman Iron Arrowhead
D373 Bahariasaurus Dinosaur Tooth
AC125 Acheulian Cleaver Handaxe
D368 Dinosaur Vertebra with Neural Arch
ME294 Medieval Bronze Finger Ring
A1276 Indian Brass Figure of Lakshmi
AA338 Majapahit Terracotta Bust
RM562 Roman Decorated Silver Ring
E463 Egyptian Faience Ra Horakhty
HA229 Edward I Penny
BA274 Celtic Bronze Eye Fastener
BA273 Celtic Bronze Eye Stud
E438 Egyptian Amulet of Anubis
E433 Egyptian Terracotta Ushabti
A1272 Indus Valley Ceramic Vase
AM150 Iridescent Rainbow Shell Cleoniceras Ammonite
A1271 Shiva as Lord of Dance
NE654 Neolithic Flint Hafted Tool Group
D344 Fossil Cretaceous Crocodile Jaw Section
AT104 Aterian Knife 145,000 to 40,000 B.C.
DSA39 Late Neolithic Danish Crescent-Shaped Flint Sickle
A2408 Early Islamic Stone Oil Lamp
TA219 Benin Bronze Horse
BA265 Iberian Bronze Arrowhead
A375 Elamite Bronze Arrowhead
RC224 Probus Laetitia Antoninianus
GA366 Graeco-Scythian Bronze Arrowhead
MS123 British Yellow Fluorite on Quartz Crystal
D335 Dinosaur Front Leg Bone Section
D334 Dinosaur Front Leg Bone Section
D331 Dinosaur Vertebra
GA264 Parthian Empire Mithradates II
RC223 RC223 Billon Antoninianus of Gallienus
A352 Luristan Handled Dagger
GA354 Mycenaean Greek Bronze Arrowhead
E409 Kushite Stone Axe
E406 Egyptian Fayum Neolithic Sickle Blade
CC44 Danubian Celts, Sattelkopf Tetradrachm
MF168 Otodus Shark Tooth
A2394 Seljuk Pottery Oil Lamp
A2393 Seljuk Pottery Oil Lamp
MF167 Otodus Shark Tooth
A2388 Seljuk Pottery Oil Lamp
E396 Egyptian Fayum Neolithic Arrowhead
NAN189 Neolithic Leaf-Shaped Arrowhead
BA260 Bronze Age Pottery Vessel
BA259 Bronze Age Pottery Vessel
BA257 Bronze Age Pottery Vessel
RRC20 Faustus Cornelius Sulla
ST528 Early Neolithic Linear Pottery Shards
PF43 Green River Formation Fossil Leaves
D302 Plesiosaur Bones
F32 Fossil Hexagonia Coral
PC260 Colima Terracotta Votive Figurine
RM444 Roman Glass Bead Necklace
RM436 Roman Glass Perfume Bottle
RM431 Roman Republic Ceramic Bowl
GA244 Parthia, Sinatruces
RM421 Roman Redware Bottle
RM422 Roman Decorated Oil Lamp
TA200 Chokwe Wooden Tribal Mask
PF35 Green River Formation Fossil Leaves
ME266 Iron Trilobe Arrowhead
NA156 Late Archaic River Net Weights
A309 Parthian Animal Plaque
GA238 Mithradates, Apollo Bronze
NA154 American Indian Grooved Axe
NA153 Late Archaic River Net weight
HA187 Henry III Silver Penny
GA303 Ancient Greek Aryballos
A1245 Indian Bronze Figure of Lakshmi
BA244 Bronze Age Dress Fastener
BY299 Byzantine Egypt, Coptic Bone Plaque
BA233 Bronze Age Bracelet
TA164 Tsonga Wooden Stool
A2327 Sassanian Miniature Glass Vessels
NE480 Neolithic Flint Tool Group
BC74 Maurice Tiberius Large M Follis
BC71 Maurice Tiberius Large M Follis
BC67 Maurice Tiberius, Large M Follis
A2320 Kashan Silhouette-Ware Pottery Jug
20FA46 Patricia Minh Huong Nguyen
ICON114 Archangel Michael
MS102 British Olivenite Mineral Specimen
MS119 British Lithium Biotite Mineral Specimen
BC61 Basil II and Constantine VIII, Class A2 Anonymous Follis
GA234 Seleucid, Antiochus IX
BY280 Byzantine Oil Lamp
IF61 Fossil Crane Fly Mortality Plate
E256 Predynastic Chert Blade Tool
GA278 Hellenistic Pottery Oil Lamp
A275 Cuneiform Tablet
A273 Iron Age II Bronze Bangle
NE463 Late Neolithic Scrapers
GA264 Hellenistic Pottery Spindle Flask
IF53 Insects with a Leaf
NAN160 Neolithic Stone Axe Head
A2282 Islamic Glazed Glass Jug
AA137 Japanese Ivory Meiji Okimono
GA254 Greco-Scythian Axe-head
RM188 Roman Aucissa Brooch
RM187 Roman Bronze Brooch
A240 Socketted Bronze Axehead
GA239 Cypriot Pottery Figure
AA44 Chinese Neolithic Vessel
GA203 Sicily, Akragas, Zeus Bronze 300-287 BC.
BY251 Byzantine Bronze Trade Weights
BY246 Byzantine Mixed Bronze Group
PC157 Pre-Columbian Pottery Cup
GA178 Greek – Thrace – Cherrsonesos
RM202 Roman Bronze Buckles
RC107 Maximian, 286 – 310 AD
NAN111 Neolithic Scraper c.6000-4000 B.C
RC90 265 A.D Cornelia Salonina
RM187 Roman Pottery Vase
BY236 Byzantine Bronze Reliquary Cross Pendant
HS312 Mrs. Ples STS 5 Skull
ST471 Neolithic Flint Point
HA45 Edward I (1272-1307), Penny, London Mint
ST223 Early Neolithic: Erteblle Culture Blade
ST222 Early Neolithic: Erteblle Culture Spoke-shave /Blade
AN45 Early Archaic Knife Blade/Scraper
ST158 Neolithic Flake Axe c. 3,400 to 2,800 BC
ST142 Neolithic Burin c. 5,400 to 3,900 BC
ST134 Neolithic Burin c. 5,400 to 3,900 BC